Six HEMP shielded facilities, including two at a remote island in the Bering Sea. The total square footage was in excess of 85,000 SF and included 24 HEMP doors, 89 RF electrical filter cabinet assemblies with MOVs, multiple waveguide penetrations, Pulse Current Injection Testing, RF Attenuation and SELDS testing. Completed 2004.

Aegis Ashore Poland
European Phased Adaptive Approach, Phase III
The Design and Construction of the HEMP protection systems for over 170,000 square feet of shielding, over 1500 tons of steel, over 20 miles of RF welding, furnishing and installation of 42 Shielded Doors, miles of shielded conduits, power filters and expansion joints throughout the project.
Wave-Guide pipe penetrations, nearly 2,000 sf of mechanical air vents, HEMP electrical filters and double door vestibules for equipment access.
• 100,000 square feet of shielding
• Over 1000 tons of steel-10 miles of RF welding
• 15 Shielded Doors, power filters and expansion joints throughout the two complexes located -between the two geographical areas (NJ and HI).-Wave-guide pipe penetrations, mechanical air vents, and various electrical filters